Wills in Islam

Wills in Islam Service

Islam has placed great emphasis on distributing the wealth of a Muslim in a pre-determined manner. The principles for such purpose have endured for over fourteen centuries and continue to play a vital role today. Islam, on one hand, allows Muslims to fulfil their religious obligations, and on the other, preventing wealth from being overly concentrated in the hands of the few. In doing so, Islam ensuring womenfolk have guaranteed financial rights to their own.

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What JJ Law Chamber Offer

Remember! The courts enforce a legally valid WILL only. Preparing Sharı‘ah Will is not recognised under English Law. The only way to enforce Sharı‘ah WILL is to place the assets/wealth as a TRUST.

Keep in mind that in Sharı‘ah, a Muslim with wealth is duty-bound to write a will. Our team therefore, can help to guide you through the tax legislation and work out the best way forward.